Cultural Activities Center
3011 N. 3rd St, Temple, TX 76501
How Your Donation Makes a Difference
As a member, you are a valued and essential part of our organization. Your donations ensure that children today and in the future have a place to experience and grow in the arts. Your membership dollars are tax-deductible and help fulfill our mission of bringing world-class arts experiences and education to the Central Texas region. Your membership allows us to provide important arts programs for over 20,000 children through "Arts in Education," youth theater programs, and other activities throughout the year.
Subscription to CAC E-Newsletter
Invitations to gallery
Invitation to the annual CAC Membership Reception
Individual Benefits plus
Advance notice/pre-registration for programs and camps
Family & Friends Benefits plus
10% Discounts on one CAC instructed art class
Recognition on the CAC website
Copper Benefits plus
Recognition on the lobby Wall of Honor for one year
Bronze Benefits plus
50% Two tickets to a CAC performances
Name in Season booklet
Silver Benefits plus
Artist meet and greet to one exhibit performance
10% Discount for one CAC rental
Gold Benefits plus
Private tour of the exhibition for up to 10 guests
15% Discount on one CAC room rental (excludes 10%)