Cultural Activities Center
3011 N. 3rd St, Temple, TX 76501
Wildflower Guild Junior Cotillion Program

Our story
The Junior Cotillion program offers social and cultural opportunities with the goal of enhancing the students’ manners and social skills, gaining proficiency in various social dance techniques, and learning about the fine and performance art offerings of the Cultural Activities Center. The Junior Cotillion also prepares students to enjoy involvement in the Wildflower Guild Senior Cotillion Program, which is offered to high-school students, ninth through eleventh grades. The program starts for sixth graders with a social event that will include an introduction to social etiquette. Seventh and eights graders will begin their program years with a social event that will include internet safety and etiquette. All members of the Junior Cotillion are invited to three dances for each grade level. Two of the dances are usually themed and one is a more formal dance for sixth and seventh graders. The eighth graders enjoy a formal dinner-dance, which is the highlight of the Junior Cotillion experience. Etiquette and dance instruction are offered at each of the dance events.
Junior Cotillion Registration
Registration occurs annually around May through August prior to the cotillion season, which runs alongside the school year. Registration is open to all middle school aged students in the Temple, Belton and surrounding Central Texas school and homeschool communities. Cotillion events take place at the Cultural Activities Center in Temple.
*Once registered, please download, and view the Parent Packet and Cotillion Calendar for the upcoming season located on this site. Please retain a copy of your receipt as acknowledgment of enrollment into the program.
Junior Cotillion Communications
The information you provide at time of registration will be used for all communication throughout the year. Please ensure items such as address and email are up to date, complete and entered correctly. Invitations will be sent to the parent email or mailed to the physical address listed at time of enrollment. In late summer and prior to season starting, communication will be sent out to the parent emails listed at time of enrollment. The parent email listed will be used for all communication throughout the year for event and program information, volunteer opportunities, dance sign up opportunities. The Junior Cotillion Facebook pages are also a great way to stay engaged and see regular updates and reminders. Changes to contact information can be sent to the email(s) listed below.
2024-25 Registration will open at 11:00AM on May 13th!

For more information on the Wildflower Junior Cotillion Program, please contact The Wildflower Guild at:
Tel: 254.773.9926